Fine Oil Paintings

Gail Griffin, formerly Gail Duituturaga, began paint in oil as a child in 1955 and since then she hasn t put the brush down for long.

“I think everyone has a talent and I thank the Great Spirit everyday that mine is painting,” she says. “It keeps me searching for ways to express the beauty of this world and I also paint those things that are kind of nonsensical. I really get a kick out of life.”

Gail painted in the turbulent times of the Hawaiian renaissance of the 1980’s. She painted under the name Ka uhane, her former husband who was deeply involved in the activist movement. The paintings of those years evoked the highly spiritual aspect of the times. The renaissance paintings reflect the spirit and death of George Helm, Pele and family, Auntie Emma De Fries and the return of the Maori to Ka Lae. Whole stories go with these paintings.

During the 90’s Gail continued her 27-year career as a Hawaiian Airlines flight attendant by flights to the Middle East during the Gulf War. Whimsical paintings such as “Me and Liana in Jamaica” and “All else is Gravy” came from these times. She met her future husband Tevita Duituturaga over the Arabian Sea on a United Nations Fijian flight to Tel Aviv. It was also at this time that she wrote articles for the Hilo Tribune-Herald, “Women Warriors” about American women GI s, their expectations and the realities of life in Arabia. She also wrote about Vietnam and the midnight flight into Ho Chi Min City to pick up Diem Officials who had been released from 15 years in concentration camps.

Gail lives with her daughter and husband on a small horse ranch in Mt. View, Hawaii. The horse has always played a great part in her art. She began with horses and continues to this day as Hawaii’s premier horse artist. In 2002, Gail was awarded the prestige’s Kasper Foundation Award for Classical Arabian Equine Art and went to Taos, New Mexico for a week of horse art. The prize was awarded to four artists nation wide. On her return from Taos she opened her studio to students and enjoys the art of teaching art.

Gail believes that art should not be constrained to a limiting style of painting, she feels that artists should use whatever they feel to express their outlook on their world. “I am moved by color first and foremost. Then by the application of the paint, composition and all the rest. One day I hope to paint large rolls of toilet paper and have it be really beautiful.” She says with a dreamy far away look in her eye. “Then all else is gravy.”

Gail’s art has won numerous art awards in the past few years. Her art has been featured onas inflight cards for Hawaiian Airlines. Liliuokalani Childrens Center has published her art, and paintings can be found in the collection of The Office of Hawaiian Affairs.